
Substance Use Disorder
No one wakes up one day and decides to have an addiction. Substance use disorders are common and sometimes lead to dependence on drugs and alcohol. Our highly skilled and qualified staff understands the power of addiction and the power of recovery.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential service that provides professional assistance to employees and their families. Through assessment and problem resolution, Moore Counseling & Mediation Services, Inc. EAP helps individuals manage personal problems that may affet their quality of life.

Drug Free Safety Program Training (DFSP)
Our highly skilled and qualified staff is licensed and certified as Chemical Dependency Counselors and Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) through the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board. 

In the complex environments within which leaders find themselves, it is critical to have access to unbiased advisors that are able to identify blind spots and hidden opportunities not easily seen or known.

Strategic Planning
In the complex environments within which leaders find themselves, it is critical to have access to unbiased advisors that are able to identify blind spots and hidden opportunities not easily seen or known.

Behavioral Health
A thorough assessment is the first step in determining the existence of a behavioral health issue. Results from a comprehensive assessment will determine further recommendations for treatment.


Women's Center
Women have a unique set of characteristics, needs, desires, ways of living and looking at the world. We offer programs that specialize in meeting, treating and guiding women.